This blog is composed on the heels of a terrible traffic jam I suffered through today.
Long story short, I am a 33, and finally finishing my undergraduate career. It has been a long time coming. You see, I was on the 12 year plan for my AAS, and to think about a bachelors degree seemed ludicrous. Alas, here I am, a history major with an art history minor, and a few quarters away from graduation (hopefully)
I have to leave for school 2-2 1/2 hours before class starts. I spend the first hour driving to one of two Park and Ride's, where I catch a bus (which varies on the time) that takes me to campus. Let me make clear, this is a one way commute.
Why so long? The University charges $15 a day to park (It is prorated, but still costly). There is street parking; however, it maxes out after 2 hours and not conducive to my schedule. In addition, the closest bridge that gets me to campus (there are two) is under construction and is now a toll bridge. The cost is dependent upon traffic and can be as high as $6 to cross. $21 a day to get to campus is too costly. Alas! With my tuition I get a free bus pass that is good on all forms of public transportation so long as school is in session. Needless to say my commute is strategic.
To paint a picture of the worst of it. Last summer I had a class that started every morning at 9:30am. I woke up at 5am everyday and left my house at 7am. It would take me 50 minutes to get to my Park and Ride, where I could catch an Express Bus (a faster bus with less stops, only runs every hour and at peak times only) to campus. If I'm late, there is a city bus that runs every 20 minutes. The downside is it make a lot of stops and takes over an hour to get to campus; it also never fails that I fall asleep on it too. It works, but I want the Express bus.
Now the Park and Rides. The best Park and Ride is in Issaquah, it is closer to my house, and off the expressway. Also, when I can take the Express bus home, I miss all the rush hour traffic by being on the bus (woohoo). However, if the Express is not running when I need to leave campus, I have to park at a Park and Ride in Bellevue. Oh boy, the Bellevue Park and Ride. It abuts Bellevue College's campus (my alma mater). Recently they started charging for parking and many student find that by parking at the Park and Ride and walking to campus they avoid the fee (yes, I have complained). But for everyone else this means spaces are limited and parking garage etiquette is no longer existant. Basically, I have to treat my commute as a game of strategy and endurance.
My commute is not all bad. I have audiobooks, Howard Stern, and a lot of reading time (for homework mostly). It is mundane, tiresome, and unavoidable. I chuck it up as part of the all encompassing college experience. I have had the occasional hiccup in the past; stuck behind a bus, accident, slow and stupid people. However, today I spent 2 hours alone going a distance that usually take me 20 minutes. With a head cold forming and already missing my first class, I decided to give up and let "The Road" have one up on me. Not feeling well I felt this is the world telling me to get some rest. Yet, my guilt for cutting is urging me to post this in an effort to feel productive.
I think I will plan Thanksgiving dinner.